
Atomic Physics

We focus on controlling atomic processes with frequency-chirped laser light.  Our long-term goal is to control atomic collisions similar to the exciting work done by Phil Gould’s Lab at the University of Connecticut (See a recent paper) and control atomic excitation (e.g., ARB Force) similar to work done in research lab.  We have developed a novel laser system to generate nanosecond frequency-chirped laser light.

Electro-Optical Amplitude Modulator
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Students working in the lab

This research is being supported by NSF Award #1803837.

Research Posters:


Physics Education

We are exploring a number of different ways to bring high impact teaching practices into the physics classroom.  Currently, we are currently developing physics outreach materials on the science behind how we smell.

Scientific Computation

We plan to model Braess’ Paradox through numerical calculations and compare it to real situations. Read more here:

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